Matsuura Machinery USA launches metal AM production services

May 13, 2021

Matsuura’s LUMEX Avance-25 metal Additive Manufacturing machine is said to minimise mould assembly; create superior mould performance; reduce lead time, and perform high-precision machining without EDM (Courtesy Matsuura Machinery USA, Inc.)

Matsuura Machinery USA, Inc., the US subsidiary of Matsuura Machinery Corporation, based in St. Paul, Minnesota, reports that it now offers quick-turn prototyping, producing a wide range of metal additively manufactured parts, including unique functional prototypes and low to mid-volume production runs.

“Due to unprecedented customer interest and demand, Matsuura’s Metal Additive Manufacturing Service Bureau is now providing the production of 3D Metal printed and machined parts,” stated Tom Houle, Director, LUMEX, NA.

The company explains that with its LUMEX Avance-25 and Avance-60 metal AM machines, the production of high-volume mould components with conformal cooling and integrated porous venting will minimise the need for traditional EDM processes and provide significant savings to the production of moulded plastic components. Customers can lower their capital equipment investments for tooling and moulding machines while reducing mould cavitation requirements and accelerating Return on Investment (ROI).

“Products and shapes previously impossible to manufacture (including ultra-deep ribs, 3D mesh, hollows, free-form surfaces, and porous structures) can now be produced using the LUMEX Technology,” Houle added.

Matsuura USA established its Additive Manufacturing Center to promote the use of metal AM parts as a solution to continuing supply chain challenges and delays.

Houle continued, “The LUMEX team in our Additive Manufacturing Center, along with our collaboration with the Customer Solutions team and machine designers in Japan and Germany, will help customers quickly realise the benefits of Additive Manufacturing. Our team’s insight into the process and the technology, will assist in modification of your traditional designs into suitable 3D Metal Printing.”

Matsuura customers are reported to be seeing the value that comes with implementing AM technology, with multiple customer case studies showing 25% to 45% reductions in cycle time reductions.

“Metal 3D Printing can benefit Tooling, Injection Molding, CNC Machining, and Die Casting processes and operations.  We will work with you throughout the entire 3D printing process, including through the design to enable our customer’s to fully realise the benefits throughout the life of their products,” Houle concluded.

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