Link3D enhances Additive Manufacturing workflow software with True Shape Nesting feature

May 24, 2019

May 24, 2019

Link3D, an Additive Manufacturing software company, located in New York City, USA, introduced a number of new tools to enhance its range of AM workflow software features at Rapid + TCT 2019, Detroit, Michigan, USA, from May 20–23. At the show, the company unveiled its True Shape Nesting tool, said to be a major enhancement to its Build Simulation software which powers auto-quoting, production planning and machine scheduling of AM parts.

According to Link3D, its Build Simulation software will estimate production time and material usage based on over 500 industrial Additive Manufacturing systems across 1000 materials in relationship to their parameters. True Shape Nesting reportedly enables Multi Jet Fusion and SLS technologies to identify the best nesting strategy based on the actual shape. 2D True Shape Nesting is used presently by FDM and Laser Powder Base Technologies. Link3D states that depending on the use cases, customers can adjust True Shape Nesting to utilise any orientation for parts, allowing them to be oriented around Z-axis.

“As Link3D prepares for the future of Additive Manufacturing, it is our belief that series production will ramp up at an extreme pace. To understand true production cost and achieve optimised production planning, MES toolsets need to become more agile in order to dynamically plan and increase throughout,” stated Shane Fox, CEO of Link3D. “As a team, which understands what it takes for organisations to prepare for series production. We have spent over the last 18 months in R&D and have understood the need for an API-based True Shape Nesting solution that can be utilised beyond just build preparation for costing and planning. We are excited to share our findings at Rapid + TCT this year.”

Vishal Singh, CTO of Link3D, commented, “Link3D’s production planning tool is developed for companies to adopt serial production with Additive Manufacturing. With shape-based nesting, Link3D will help Additive Manufacturing facility operations maximise machine utilisation, understand the number of machine runs needed to fulfill the order and reduce the manual effort with build preparation. It will help our customers reduce cost and drive production efficiency.”

May 24, 2019

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