Formnext 2020 still scheduled for November

May 14, 2020

Mesago Messe Frankfurt GmbH reports that Formnext 2020 will still go ahead (Courtesy Mesago Messe Frankfurt GmbH)

Mesago Messe Frankfurt GmbH, the organiser of Formnext, reports that it still expects the event scheduled to take place in Frankfurt, Germany, from November 10–13, 2020, to go ahead. The organiser also states that it is working on a concept for safeguarding the health of attendees and a supplementary digital programme.

“We remain convinced of the unique value and advantages of a physical exhibition,” explained Sascha F Wenzler, Vice President of Formnext, Mesago Messe Frankfurt GmbH. “And although digital interaction will never be able to replace face-to-face contact, it does offer more scope than previously thought possible only a few weeks ago.”

It is for this reason that the organiser intends to consider digital options for Formnext, for example, exhibitors will also be given the opportunity to present products and solutions digitally to the international trade audience. Concepts and platforms are currently being developed for this purpose with further details to be released in the coming weeks.

According to the organiser, the rulings of the Federal Government and the Federal States of Germany, dated May 6 2020, stating that trade shows are no longer considered to fall under the category of major events that pose a particular health risk, also give cause for optimism for the event to run as planned in November.

Wenzler added, “This is great news not only for the trade show industry, but for the entire economy. Trade shows are an important driver of innovation and value creation in industry, especially after months of economic standstill in many industries and sectors.”

The organiser explains that the health of exhibitors, visitors and employees remains a top priority, therefore, concepts are currently being developed to ensure the highest standards of health protection. These include reducing visitor density, guaranteeing high hygiene standards and introducing contact tracing. These concepts are currently being coordinated with the responsible authorities and will be duly implemented in due course.

In addition to health protection, Formnext 2020 is reportedly being designed in consideration of a number of other important factors, such as the wider economic environment, the economic situation in the AM sector, and developments in the European and global travel industry.

“Ultimately, even in these challenging times, we want to organise a trade show that is as responsive as possible to the current situation and the needs of participants and the market,” concluded Wenzler.

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