EPMA announces new Club Project on quality tests for Selective Laser Melting metal powders
July 26, 2016
The European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA) in partnership with Fraunhofer IFAM, Bremen, Germany, has announced a new version of a Club Project proposal titled Quality Test for Selective Laser Melting Powder (SLM-POWD).
This project proposes to address the following three objectives:
- Study the applicability of a metal powder (to be defined) for the Additive Manufacturing process of Selective Laser Melting
- Set up a guideline on how to characterise and specify Additive Manufacturing powders for SLM
- Set up a guideline on how to find the right laser parameters to process powder with SLM
The overall cost to the project partners will be shared by the participants (minimum of five) through a project fee of maximum €6,600 per participant. The project is planned to start in the next few months and the duration will be six months.
A full description of the project is available at www.epma.com/projects and includes a Consortium Agreement to be signed and returned by companies who would like to participate.