EOS opens new Innovation Center for Additive Manufacturing
April 9, 2018

The EOS Innovation Center in Düsseldorf. (Courtesy EOS)
EOS, headquartered in Munich, Germany, has opened a new EOS Innovation Center, in Düsseldorf, Germany. The centre will provide EOS’s customers with regional support for their Additive Manufacturing projects, offering a wide range of consulting and training services to address key aspects along the entire process chain.
The Innovation Center offers approximately 1,000 m² of floor space, including a large area housing metal and polymer EOS systems and numerous meeting and training rooms. EOS stated that customers will have the opportunity to rent machinery space and project rooms at the centre, where they will be supported by EOS’s consultation and training team.

Additive Manufacturing systems at the EOS Innovation Center in Düsseldorf (Courtesy EOS)
Consultation and training courses will be available at the centre and include specialised advice on designing parts for AM as well as the production process. Dr Bernd Reinarz, Team Manager at the EOS Innovation Center Düsseldorf, stated, “It can be a complex process to design new components for Additive Manufacturing and subsequently plan and optimise the production processes.”
“The objective is clear, but companies still frequently lack the needed experience. The EOS team in Düsseldorf comprises experienced engineers and consultants that can help companies rapidly achieve excellent results with industrial 3D printing – locally, personally, and individually,” he concluded.
On working with EOS’s training and consultation team, Holger Rübesame, Business Development Manager at SPECS Surface Nano Analysis, commented, “The excellent collaboration with the team of the EOS Innovation Center Düsseldorf enabled us to substantiate the profitability of industrial 3D printing for our product portfolio. Within a short time we were able to re-design our components, including the targeted development of process parameters.”
Apart from working together with companies, EOS stated that it plans to collaborate closely with universities of applied sciences in the region with the aim of training future AM specialists.