Dynamism opens Additive Manufacturing showroom at Azoth 3D’s headquarters
February 29, 2020

Dynamism, a US-based reseller of Additive Manufacturing solutions, has opened its latest AM showroom at Azoth 3D’s Additive Manufacturing facility in Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA. Azoth 3D is a member of the EWIE Group of Companies (EGC), a family of brands specialised in reducing the operating expense and improving the efficiency of manufacturing plants globally. The company offers both metal and polymer Additive Manufacturing, as well as associated services such as design and prototyping, and 3D scanning and reverse engineering.
According to Dynamism, the AM showroom will allow customers to observe a range of technologies which will include Bound Metal Deposition (BMD), Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF), Vat Photopolymerisation (VPP)and Laser Powder Bed Fusion (L-PBF), as well as polymer AM and 3D scanning technologies. The company states that the ability to view a curated selection AM machines while also having access to Azoth 3D’s extensive manufacturing expertise will enable customers to fast-track their implementation of AM, reduce operating costs and improve production efficiencies.
“For companies leading the transformation to digital manufacturing, seeing the most innovative 3D printers operating side-by-side is an invaluable experience,” stated Tim Ruffner, Vice-President of Enterprise Solutions at Dynamism. “We’re so pleased to be working with Azoth 3D, a leader in helping some of the world’s largest manufacturers transition to on-demand factory parts and toolings.”
Cody Cochran, Key Account Manager at Azoth 3D, commented, “Azoth is focused on implementing a new inventory management model that we call TOMOTM (Take One Make One). We are able to transform customer inventory into digital libraries of parts ready to be printed on demand. Through our manufacturing expertise, we ensure that quality end-use parts are manufactured every time and that it is ready for the shop floor. TOMO is more than 3D printing parts, TOMO is a lean manufacturing process focused on quality and reducing operating costs.”