CECIMO’s fourth Additive Manufacturing European Conference to take place this June

May 8, 2018

May 8, 2018

CECIMO, the European Association of the Machine Tool Industries, will hold its fourth Additive Manufacturing European Conference (AMEC IV) at the European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium, June 21, 2018.

This year’s conference offers a forum for EU policy-makers and industry leaders to meet and discuss the best measures to expand the landscape of industrial Additive Manufacturing applications. The meeting will be hosted by Ivan Štefanec (EPP), Member of the European Parliament.

The conference will be divided into two sessions. Session 1, ‘Making industry competitive with Additive Manufacturing: insights on key policies, technologies and applications’ and Session 2, ‘Additive Manufacturing at the heart of the next production revolution: Discussing Europe’s position in the technology’s ecosystem.’

Representatives from Additive Manufacturing companies, EU institutions, think tanks and the machine tools sector will provide an insight into numerous AM applications and debate the EU’s role in placing Europe at the forefront of the technology’s developments. Speakers will include:


Session 1

Ivan Štefanec MEP (EPP, Slovakia)

Mady Delvaux-Stehres MEP (S&D, Luxembourg)

Signe Ratso, Deputy Director-General for Research Programmes at DG RTD of the European Commission

Stewart Lane, General Manager of UK Sales Division at Renishaw

Roberta Sampieri, Product Development Manager at FCA EMEA.

Jonathan Meyer, Technology Roadmap Owner for Additive Manufacturing at Airbus.

Florian Feucht, Head of Additive Manufacturing Application and Sales at DMG MORI/Realizer


Session 2

Lucilla Sioli, Director for Digital Industry at DG CNECT of the European CommissionReinhard Bütikofer MEP (Greens/EFA, Germany)

Filip Geerts, Director General at CECIMO

Stefanie Brickwede, Head of 3D Printing at Deutsche Bahn and Managing Director of the network ‘Mobility goes Additive’

Johannes Gumpinger, Advanced Manufacturing Process and Engineer at European Space Agency

Thomas Maal, Associate professor 3D Imaging & 3D Printing and Director of the Radboudumc 3D Lab

Valeria Tirelli, CEO at Aidro Hydraulics & 3D Printing.


The event is free to attend, but places are limited and early registration via CECIMO’s website is encouraged.


May 8, 2018

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