Additive Manufacturing Users Group names winners of Technical Competition and DINO Awards

May 7, 2018

May 7, 2018

Additive Manufacturing Users Group names winners of Technical Competition and DINO Awards

AMUG Technical Competition winners: (left) Andrew Sliwa’s Pretorian Guard helmet and (right) Ed Graham’s carpet loom drive assembly (original assembly on left) (Courtesy AMUG)


The Additive Manufacturing Users Group (AMUG), Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, has announced the winners of its annual Technical Competition and prestigious DINO (Distinguished INnovator Operator) Award for Additive Manufacturing expertise and service.

The DINO Awards recognise industry veterans for their experience, contributions to the AM industry and active support of AMUG. Eight DINOs were presented during Awards Banquet at the 30th annual AMUG conference (AMUG 2018) in St Louis, Missouri, USA, April 2018, to:

  • Andy Christensen, Somaden LLC
  • Rey Chu, PADT, Inc.
  • Douglas Greenwood, Fleet Readiness Center East
  • Steve Hanna, 3D Systems
  • Rick Pressley, Renaissance Services, Inc.
  • Andrew Sliwa, Custom Prototypes Inc.
  • Fried Vancraen, Materialise
  • Pat Warner, Renault Sport Formula One

Paul Bates, AMUG president, stated, “There were many candidates that had the tenure suited for this coveted award. However, that is just one criteria. To be a DINO, one must also give back to the industry and support AMUG. These eight individuals rose above all others because of what they have done and what they have achieved.”

The new DINOs are said to have been advocates and early adopters of AM in the medical, aerospace, motorsports and defence industries, among others, whose efforts have advanced the technology and its applications. Through direct contributions and corporate support, all have had a hand in making the AMUG Conference a positive experience for those seeking insights and information.

 “The impact of these individuals on the Additive Manufacturing industry and on the success of the users group is awe-inspiring. It was my honour to share the stage with this incredible group of individuals that have worked towards a common cause – success with Additive Manufacturing,” Bates added.


Additive Manufacturing Users Group names winners of Technical Competition and DINO Awards

AMUG DINO recipients 2018: Front row (left to right): Andy Christensen, Steve Hanna, Pat Warner and Rey Chu. Back row (Left to right): Fried Vancraen, Andrew Sliwa, Douglas Greenwood and Rick Pressley (Courtesy AMUG)


AMUG’s annual Technical Competition was held during AMUG 2018 and saw DINO recipient Andrew Sliwa of Custom Prototypes and Ed Graham of ProtoCam selected as winners of the competition by a panel of industry experts. As winners of the Technical Competition, Sliwa and Graham each received complimentary admission to the 2019 AMUG Conference and a commemorative award.

Andrew Sliwa won in the Advanced Finishing category for a recreation of a legendary Praetorian Guard helmet, said to be given to Mark Antony by Cleopatra. Sliwa’s team stated that they built on research to create a digital model which combined metal and polymer AM processes. The metal pieces were polished and plated in copper, nickel and gold, while the jewels were printed in clear photopolymer, dyed and painted to mimic the grains of precious stones. Custom Prototypes also printed each individual strand of the helmet’s crest and then dyed, plasticised and coated the plume before shaping it with hot air.

Mark Barfoot, overseeing the Technical Competition, commented, “The craftsmanship and attention to detail for all of the entries was outstanding. In the end, the judges named Andrew’s entry a winner because of the mix of processes, range of finishing methods and creativity in making the helmet’s crest.”

Ed Graham won in the Advanced Concepts category for his application of AM design practices to reduce weight and replicate 1,000 pilot holes in a carpet loom drive assembly from the 1930s, while creating a modular assembly allowing for the replacement of individual components. The assemblies were then manufactured using polymer Additive Manufacturing on an HP system.

May 7, 2018

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