ADDiTEC introduces Hybrid Series, combining CNC with both LMJ and DED Additive Manufacturing

June 7, 2024

June 7, 2024

The new Hybrid 3 combines both Liquid Metal Jetting and laser-based Directed Energy Deposition with CNC machining (Courtesy ADDiTEC)
The new Hybrid 3 combines both Liquid Metal Jetting and laser-based Directed Energy Deposition with CNC machining (Courtesy ADDiTEC)

ADDiTEC, headquartered in Palm City, Florida, USA, has introduced the Hybrid Series, a multi-technology manufacturing platform offering precision five-axis CNC manufacturing and two metal Additive Manufacturing technologies. The new Hybrid 2 platform adds Liquid Metal Jetting (LMJ), a process which falls broadly into the ISO/ASTM 52900:2015 category of Material Jetting, using aluminium wire as the primary feedstock to the CNC machine. The Hybrid 3 adds both LMJ and laser-based Directed Energy Deposition (DED) technologies.

The Hybrid Series also features an integrated two-axis positioner rated for parts up to 100 kg, enhancing the system’s capability to achieve precise five-axis manufacturing.

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LMJ, with its high-resolution capabilities, is said to unlock the potential for creating intricate and finely detailed components. Utilising cost-effective welding wire, LMJ enables complete material utilisation and exceptional detail.

Laser-based DED Additive Manufacturing, known for its high deposition rate, makes it well-suited to the production of larger components or reducing lead times. Like LMJ, DED employs welding wire, ensuring cost efficiency and full material utilisation.

The Hybrid Series incorporates a high-temperature build bed assembly with ADDiTEC’s patented quick-release technology for LMJ parts, providing automatic part removal.

The machine’s subtractive process, primarily driven by CNC machining, enables users to achieve the desired surface finish and tight tolerances for parts manufactured using additive processes.

June 7, 2024

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