Würth Additive Group expands distribution of Markforged’s Digital Forge

July 13, 2021

Markforged, Watertown, Massachusetts, USA, has signed an agreement with Würth Additive Group, a Würth Industry North America company, to incorporate Markforged’s Digital Forge into the group’s Additive Manufacturing solutions on a global scale.

The agreement brings Digital Forge’s AM hardware and cloud-based learning software, along with its wide portfolio of AM materials such as metals, composites and continuous fibre, to Würth Additive Group. These solutions are utilised by blue-chip companies around the world in industries like aerospace, industrial automation, space exploration, military and defence, automotive and healthcare to deliver mission-critical end-use parts on demand.

The arrangement expands on a previous agreement between the companies, signed in March 2020, with ongoing collaboration reportedly creating innovative solutions in digital industrial solutions. Virtual managed inventory is also now possible thanks to Markforged’s cloud-native platform, which enables automatic connection to Würth Additive Group’s inventory systems to produce inventory on the factory floor by scanning a barcode which triggers the Digital Forge to start Additive Manufacturing.

To further ensure quality parts, Markforged’s Blacksmith, an Artificial Intelligence software, automates inspection capabilities by building in a closed-loop quality control to validate and verify parts.

“We are excited to expand our partnership with Markforged globally,” stated Dan Hill, Chief Executive Officer, Würth Industry North America. “As the global market leader in the sale of assembly and fastening materials, active in over eighty countries, we joined forces with Markforged to reinvent manufacturing with the Digital Forge and look forward to bringing this technology to customers looking to enable, implement and support digital supply chain solutions around the world. Our strategic supplier portfolio is a key part of our additive solutions strategy, and Markforged has added proven value in North America and we are excited to take that global.”

Shai Terem, president and Chief Executive Officer at Markforged, commented, “We are excited to see Würth Additive Group’s deep experience and extensive global coverage and the Digital Forge’s capabilities come together to overcome global supply chain limitations with customers across the world. Our technology enables some of the world’s biggest manufacturers to create digital supply chains that transcend the limitations of conventional manufacturing by fabricating robust production parts right on their own factory floors. Together with Würth we are aiming to reinvent manufacturing on a global scale.”



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