SUPREME project seeks sustainability views from metal powder industry
October 22, 2020

The SUPREME project aims to optimise Powder Metallurgy (PM) processes throughout the supply chain, focussing on a combination of fast-growing industrial production routes and advanced ferrous and non-ferrous metals. By offering more integrated, flexible and sustainable processes for powder manufacturing and metallic parts fabrication, SUPREME’s goal is for the reduction of the raw materials, while improving energy efficiency.
As the project nears completion, a survey has been issued to assess awareness in the Powder Metallurgy community of sustainability issues, in particular about the industry’s opinions on the importance of various environmental impact indicators, of which sixteen are highlighted.
The survey is open to anyone in the Powder Metallurgy industry, including metal Additive Manufacturing, Metal Injection Moulding (MIM) , Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP), and press and sinter PM. The opinions of all sectors are sought, from material and equipment makers to parts manufacturers, researchers and consultants.
Further to the survey, the European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA), a partner in the project, will host an online workshop on November 26, 2020, to present the results of the SUPREME project. Participation in the workshop is open to anyone with an interest in Powder Metallurgy, with more information available from Bruno Vicenzi ([email protected]).
Respondents to the survey will remain anonymous.
To participate in the survey click here.