Registration now open for AMUG Conference 2020
October 5, 2019

The Additive Manufacturing Users Group (AMUG) opened registration for its AMUG Conference 2020, which will take place in Chicago, Illinois, USA, from March 22–26, 2020. Now in its 32nd year, the AMUG Conference provides an opportunity for AM users, of all experience levels, to share valuable insights, expertise, best practices, real-world results, challenges and application developments.
The AMUG Conference will include technical sessions and hands-on workshops designed to help users get more from, and do more with, their AM systems. Building on the success of its 2019 event, AMUG stated that it is adjusting the 2020 conference programme to deliver more training and hands-on experiences. The Training Lab, which was introduced in 2019, will again offer an engaging training environment where the AM tools are the focal point of the information exchange.
Over 200 presentations will take place during the conference. An additional highlight will be the sixth annual Innovators Showcase – an on-stage interview where attendees get to know an innovator in the industry and discover insights from that individual’s experiences. The conference program also includes the AMUGexpo, a trade show and exhibition which is expected to feature 140 companies.
Carl Dekker, AMUG President, stated, “What makes the AMUG Conference work – what makes it different – is the sharing and engagement by our members. The conference is an experience unlike all others that is made possible by open and honest discussions of the technology, its implementation and its operation.”
The five-day event will also include an off-site dinner gathering and networking receptions. Further information and registration details are available via the group website.