Open Mind Technologies to showcase Additive Manufacturing capabilities of hyperMILL CAD/CAM

July 8, 2024

July 8, 2024

A hyperMILL VIRTUAL Machining capability is now available for Additive Manufacturing processes (Courtesy Open Mind Technologies)
A hyperMILL VIRTUAL Machining capability is now available for Additive Manufacturing processes (Courtesy Open Mind Technologies)

Open Mind Technologies, headquartered in Wessling, Germany, will showcase the Additive Manufacturing capabilities of its hyperMILL 2024 CAD/CAM Software Suite at the International Manufacturing Technology Show (IMTS), scheduled to take place September 9-14, 2024, in Chicago, Illinois, USA.

hyperMILL ADDITIVE Manufacturing provides efficient hybrid processing with simultaneous additive and subtractive processing on one machine. The optimised technology is designed to boost the efficiency, precision and process reliability of both additive and hybrid manufacturing.

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For highly complex 5-axis simultaneous processing, hyperMILL ADDITIVE Manufacturing enables flexible options for powder and wire-based Directed Energy Deposition (DED) processes. Both can be controlled for selective material deposition, as well as programmed and automatically simulated for collision avoidance. For parts made by Powder Bed Fusion (PBF-LB), the CAD/CAM software optimally integrates into the process chain of post-process printed parts. Using hyperMILL, enables users to programme additive and subtractive processes together.

Mold repair by hybrid techniques is more cost effective than wholesale replacement of entire molds (Courtesy Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Mold repair by hybrid techniques is more cost effective than wholesale replacement of entire molds (Courtesy Oak Ridge National Laboratory)

Key additive applications include repair of damaged components, cladding of additional surface skins, or creation of new components from a substrate. This also creates totally new options for combining different materials, such as when high-quality material layers need to be applied to carrier materials.

A VIRTUAL Machining capability for Additive Manufacturing processes is also offered, where machines often have limited axis ranges. Now hyperMILL VIRTUAL Machining Optimizer can be used during NC code generation to simulate Additive Manufacturing tool paths to optimise them for the machining.

In addition to its presence at IMTS, Open Mind will be hosting a presentation at the IMTS Conference Sessions with Oak Ridge National Laboratory titled ‘HEAL-IT: Hybrid-Manufacturing Enabled Agility and Longevity of Industrial Tools.’ The presentation by David Bourdages, Additive Manufacturing Product Manager at Open Mind Technologies, and Lauren Heinrich, R&D Staff Member at ORNL Manufacturing Demonstration Facility, will focus on a recent collaboration to repair a bottle mold using hybrid manufacturing (additive and subtractive machining). The talk will be held September 11th at 11:00 AM. To register for the presentation, click here.

July 8, 2024

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