Metalysis opens Materials Discovery Centre to focus on high performance metal powders for AM
May 2, 2017

Company executives, researchers, scientists, politicians and financiers visited the Materials Discovery Centre’s opening (Courtesy Metalysis)
Metalysis, UK, has announced the opening of a new facility, the Materials Discovery Centre, at the Advanced Manufacturing Park in Rotherham, South Yorkshire. At the new centre, Metalysis reports that it will carry out bespoke, commercial R&D projects to produce exotic metal powders for high-performance alloys for Additive Manufacturing applications, such as the aerospace and automotive industries.
According to Metalysis, more than two hundred company executives, researchers, scientists, politicians and financiers visited the Materials Discovery Centre’s opening to learn more. In the factory, Metalysis held an exhibition titled ‘The Future of Solid State Metal Processing’ and offered visitors the chance to tour company facilities and view live experiments, powder processing and presentations on the company’s plans for further growth.
Metalysis has reportedly invested approximately £10 million in opening the Materials Discovery Centre and increasing production capacity at its Materials Manufacture Centre, also in Yorkshire, where the company says it is completing its ‘Generation 4’ technological expansion, taking production capability to new levels. Completion of ‘Generation 4’ expansion will enable ‘Generation 5’, which Metalysis anticipates commencing this calendar year and which it expects will offer manufacturing options for thousands of tonnes per annum of high-value metal alloy powders.
“We are very proud to be part of the UK’s fourth industrial revolution,” stated Douglas Caster, Metalysis Chairman, “and we do so with responsibility and optimism. We have a truly unique, patented technology that can produce highly desired metals and novel alloys which have historically been considered too difficult, or too exotic and costly. The UK stands to benefit from our world-leading, transformational process and I am very excited to seeing what the coming decade will bring for Metalysis.”
Following its expansion, Metalysis will employ at least one hundred people across its South Yorkshire sites and is now recruiting for staff, with talks ongoing to create local apprenticeships adding to its operations, R&D, analytical services and administration business functions. Metalysis will also continue to create work placement opportunities and support school career activities for science, technology, engineering and maths students from local secondary schools, having last year created four positions.
In March, rare earth miner Mkango Resources announced the formation of a partnership with Metalysis for a commercial R&D programme to develop metal Additively Manufactured rare earth magnets for electric vehicles.