Limited spaces still available for EPMA’s Young Engineers Day 2019
April 30, 2019

Attendees on the EPMA Young Engineers Day in 2017 (Courtesy EPMA)
The European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA) has reported that there are only a few places remaining for participants who wish to attend its Young Engineers Day, which will be held during the Euro PM2019 Congress & Exhibition, Maastricht, the Netherlands, October 13–16, 2019.
The event aims to help foster and develop the ‘next generation’ of PM careers for young engineers, and includes a programme of lectures, networking opportunities, a tour of the Euro PM exhibition hall and a local PM facility.
The programme for 2019 will include the following lectures on the basics of Powder Metallurgy:
PM Production Routes – Dr Jose Manuel Torralba (IMDEA)
This lecture will look at the conventional press and sinter PM route, including variants introduced in order to reduce porosity (or in some cases like warm compaction, to alter shape of the porosity); advanced PM methods producing full dense or near-full dense materials; Metal Injection Moulding (MIM); Hot Pressing; Field Assisted Hot Pressing methods (with special emphasis on Spark Plasma Sintering); and Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP). Additive Manufacturing methods will be also covered.
Applications for PM Products – Dr Steven Moseley (Hilti AG)
This presentation will highlight case studies of selected PM components and explain the benefits arising from using the PM manufacturing route as well as the added value for the customer for each of the components. Additionally, some recent developments in the broad and dynamic field of PM hard materials will be presented.
Introduction to PM – Prof Marco Actis Grande (Politecnico di Torino)
“What is Powder Metallurgy? Why and when do I use it?” In this lecture, Marco Actis Grande will provide a starter guide to the wide variety of processes and applications possible within Powder Metallurgy.
PM Materials (TBC)
This presentation will cover the ideal characteristics and key differences between the following:
- Powders for Press and Sinter
- Powders for Metal Injection Moulding (MIM)
- Powders for Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP)
- Powders for Additive Layer Manufacturing (ALM)
- Powders for Hard Material Applications