Inert showcases its post-processing, powder handling and argon gas systems at AMUG 2018

April 13, 2018

April 13, 2018

This week, Inert, Amesbury, Massachusetts, USA, exhibited its new PF-1 Powder Filtration System, integrated with a PowderShield enclosure and Argon-2 gas management system, at AMUG 2018 in St Louis, Missouri, USA. Working in a closed-loop configuration, these systems are said to enable additive manufacturers to safely post-process metal AM components, reclaim and reuse metal powders, maintain a strict O2 and H2O argon gas atmosphere and facilitate other sensitive powder handling and AM processes.

Some of the safety features of the Powder Filtration (PF) Systems are said to include a quad HEPA filter cluster to collect reactive powders, water passivation of particulate, isolation valves and an electrically grounded design to prevent static electricity build-up or the potential ignition of particles. The systems also incorporate an easily accessible lockable cabinet, stainless steel piping, 60 CFM blower and Magnehelic gauge to display pressure and indicate when filter replacement becomes necessary.

The systems come in a variety of models tailored to the differing needs of their users, stated Inert. PF-1 is well-suited to the removal of soot created as a byproduct of laser welding, while PF-2 has a higher max flow rate for larger industrial Additive Manufacturing processes and PF-3 contains a ceramic filter, allowing it to be used safely at higher temperatures. The PF Systems are the latest addition to the company’s growing line of AM solutions.

Inert’s Argon Management Systems are designed to create and maintain strict 2 and H2O inert atmospheres, for integration with AM machines and other closed-loop systems that use reactive powders— preventing oxidisation, nitriding, embrittlement and other forms of contamination.

The PowderShield is a hermetically sealed glovebox enclosure with a rotating tilt table, ultrasonic vibration, powder collection equipment, argon blow off gun and other features to facilitate the removal and reclamation of excess powders from Additive Manufacturing processes. The glovebox enclosure is also designed to protect AM system operators from the health and safety risks associated with metal powder handling, such as the inhalation of particles or combustion of the material.

Inert will also display its post-processing, powder handling and argon gas systems later this month at Rapid+TCT in Fort Worth, Texas, USA, April 23-26.


April 13, 2018

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