Incodema3D boosts capabilities with sixteenth AM machine from EOS

December 30, 2022

Incodema3D production floor with the recently installed EOS M 300-4 machine (Courtesy Incodema3D)
Incodema3D production floor with the recently installed EOS M 300-4 machine (Courtesy Incodema3D)

Incodema3D, Freeville, NY, USA, has expanded its Additive Manufacturing capabilities with the acquisition of the high-productivity EOS M 300-4 machine, the sixteenth industrial AM machine from EOS the company has purchased.

Working within aerospace and other highly engineered applications, Incodema3D has grown steadily over the years. The relationship between Incodema3D and EOS dates to 2012 with the acquisition of Incodema3D’s first EOS M 280 – a forerunner to the current EOS M 290 midframe metal AM machine. Since then, Incdema3D’s EOS fleet of machines now includes nine EOS M 280s, two EOS M 290s, four EOS M 400s, and one EOS M 300-4.

“We are excited to bring the latest EOS DMLS technology to our customers,” stated Sean Whittaker, president and CEO, Incodema3D. “We exclusively use EOS printers and the EOS M 300-4 fits perfectly within our large fleet of metal 3D printers. The EOS M 300-4 excels at producing small and medium-size parts at volume, making it the first platform we look at when discussing production scaling with our customers.”

The new EOS M 300-4 machine is said to produce consistent part quality over the entire build space, reputedly achieving up to ten times higher productivity at 50% lower cost-per-part. With a build area of 300 x 300 x 400 mm, the EOS M 300-4 includes four 400 W precision fibre lasers, and full-field overlap with multiple laser assignment possibilities. It has a scan speed of up to 7.0 m/s and dual material recoaters that reduce the time between laser exposures. EOS offers an expanding family of available materials, that currently includes: EOS stainless steel 316L, EOS aluminium AlSi10Mg, EOS titanium Ti64, EOS maraging steel MS1, EOS nickel alloy IN625, and EOS stainless steel 17-4PH.

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