iKAD Engineering purchases AML3D Arcemy AM machine

January 7, 2021

iKAD Engineering has purchased AML3D’s highly specialised Arcemy® multi-dimensional Robotic Welding and Additive Manufacturing machine (Courtesy AML3D Limited)

AML3D Limited, Edinburgh, Australia, reports that mechanical and structural engineering company, iKAD Engineering (iKAD), headquartered in Western Australia, has purchased AML3D’s highly specialised Arcemy® multi-dimensional Robotic Welding and Additive Manufacturing machine.

iKAD selected the Arcemy AM machine due to its advanced capabilities and underlying WAM® technology, known as Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM), a wire-based form of Directed Energy Deposition (DED). Along with its flexible configuration, the Arcemy machine’s ability to additively manufacture large-scale structures of multiple dimensions is expected to provide iKAD with the opportunity to manufacture with higher deposition speeds and less downtime than traditional manufacturing practices.

The production efficiencies that the robotic, dual-wire feed Arcemy machine will offer iKAD, will reportedly offer the company advantages as a versatile system designer and fabricator. Furthermore, the module’s integration will provide both iKAD and AML3D with the opportunity to strengthen its Australian Sovereign Capability manufacturing offering to the defence industry.

The machine’s initial application will be to manufacture pipes of multiple dimensions. Pipes will feature elbows and flanges respectively and will vary between 4–12 m in length, featuring diameters between 500–4000 mm.

The phase one purchase order of equipment and engineering design for the supply of a highly specialised Arcemy machine, tailored specifically for iKAD manufacturing applications, is valued at AUD$300,000 ex GST. The purchase order is on standard commercial terms.

After completion of phase one, it is anticipated that a second purchase order will be issued for construction, programming and commissioning. This is anticipated to be a similar amount to the phase one order, subject to definition and agreement of specifications during phase one.

This is AML3D’s third Arcemy machine sale, and the company states that it is thrilled with the opportunity to further support local companies in their transition towards AM and advanced manufacturing.

“We are excited to work with AML3D by making a significant investment to enhance our manufacturing capabilities and grow our business through driving advances in Australia’s sovereign manufacturing capacity and technology,” stated Ivan Donjerkovich, iKAD Engineering’s Managing Director.

“Australia has an enviable opportunity in being at the forefront of the biggest shifts in manufacturing since the early 1900s and we intend to be a big part of this focus in the Additive Manufacturing space,” he added. “Our initial focus with this unit will be on servicing key clients within the oil and gas sector with future potential also in defence and other industries.”

Andrew Sales, AML3D’s Managing Director, commented, “We see the iKAD Engineering purchase as a strong vindication of our ability to supply and commission a highly specialised multi-dimensional robotic pipe welding solution. The customisation of the Arcemy module cements its commercial viability, and most importantly allows our customer to improve their manufacturing efficiencies through automation, 3D metal printing and additive joining.”



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