GOM releases new software for 3D CT data analysis

October 5, 2020

A screenshot of shrinkage cavities as shown by GOM Volume Inspect (Courtesy GOM GmbH)

GOM GmbH, Braunschweig, Germany, a ZEISS Group company, has released its new software solution GOM Volume Inspect, which provides volume visualisation and inspection features for analysing volume data collected from any available computed tomography system (CT).

GOM Volume Inspect is part of the company’s new software platform, GOM Inspect Suite, which embraces and facilitates the complete workflow from scanning to reporting for maximum ease of use. The new software is said to simplify volume analysis tasks significantly while offering deep insight on a part’s geometries, voids or internal structures, as well as multi-part assembly situations. 

GOM Volume Inspect offers full 3D data analysis to evaluate a part’s quality and optimise the manufacturing process. As the software features an on-demand data management concept, it is said to be able to deliver high performance even in the case of large volume data packages and speed up analysis processes.  

GOM Volume Inspect includes the following features:

  • Volume renderer and intuitive generation of sectional views
    A volume rendering function visualises the whole part, including internal structures. The user can cut the object at any point and view it layer by layer in order to see the smallest details and gain in-depth information about the quality of the part
  • Wide range of analysis criteria and result presentation
    The software automatically detects any volume defect in a part, such as shrinkage cavities, and accurately evaluates the quality by checking defect dimensions including volume, diameter and distance from outer casing
    It is also possible to evaluate the dimensions of CT volume data – be it full-field evaluations, GD&T or inspections of geometric dimensions on the outside of the part, as well as on internal structures. The software walks the user through the complete analysis process and delivers the measured results in a transparent report with a single click. The report may include snapshots, images, tables, charts, text and graphics
  • Trend analysis and part-to-part comparison 
    GOM Volume Inspect also includes a reportedly unique function that allows the user to load the volume data of several parts into one project, and execute a trend analysis on this data. This automated comparison is a true advantage for quality assurance managers who measure parts on a regular basis in order to derive a quality trend from the measurement data. The function also works on part-to-part comparisons, e.g. when comparing identical parts delivered from different suppliers
  • The software offers a range of free volume inspection functionalities, including 3D volume rendering, display of 2D volume slices, as well as defect detection and visualisation. 

The full version of GOM Volume Inspect, providing the full extent of the above-described volume data analysis capabilities, is available as a free thirty-day trial.


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