EPMA issues Call for Papers for Euro PM2021
November 6, 2020

The European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA) has issued a Call for Papers for its Euro PM2021 Congress & Exhibition, which will take place in Lisbon, Portugal, on October 17–20, 2021.
Authors are invited to submit abstracts of papers for presentation which will be allocated to oral and poster sessions by the Technical Programme Committee (TPC).
Oral sessions will each contain four presentations, with twenty minutes scheduled for each paper, including discussion time. Poster presentations will be in allocated topic zones and will be on display for the duration of the event.
Abstracts for Euro PM2021 are invited on the following topics:
- Powder production
- Consolidation technologies
- Compaction and Sintering
- Field Assisted Sintering Technologies
- AM beam based technologies
- AM sinter based technologies
- Other consolidation technologies
- Materials
- Ferrous materials
- Non ferrous materials
- Light materials
- High temperature materials
- Functional materials
- Hard metals, cermets and diamond tools
- Other PM materials
- Applications
- Biomedical
- Aerospace
- Automotive
- Energy
- Other applications of PM
- Tools for improving PM
- Test and evaluation
- Secondary operations
- Design and modelling
- Life Cycle Analysis
- Digitisation
- Other tools for improving PM
Abstracts should be submitted using the EPMA’s online submission form before the deadline of January 20, 2021. Further information is available via the organiser’s website.