EOS highlights AM-based distributed production on global, local and system-level scenarios

Companies & MarketsNews
November 10, 2020

November 10, 2020

With a need for more digital, decentralised and flexible production, Additive Manufacturing is seen as the perfect choice to meet ever-changing market requirements and customer needs. In a press release issued by EOS GmbH, Krailling, Germany, the Additive Manufacturing equipment supplier explains how AM allows for distributed production using a network of geographically dispersed, digitally connected facilities.

Based on this, EOS states that companies can be more flexible and able to address constantly changing market demand, establish a more resilient and transparent supply chain, and increase their future viability.

Dr Marius Lakomiec, Team Manager Digital AM Solutions at EOS, stated, “Industrial 3D printing enables a demand-driven, distributed production. As part of our factory planning, we support customers with the digitalisation of their entire supply chain. Together we determine which steps are necessary to set up and commission a digital production facility, analyse production requirements, define necessary KPIs and assist with technology implementation.”

This flexible, on-demand production is said to avoid any pre-financing of products, minimum production quantities or over-production, thus enabling an efficient and low-risk approach. Warehousing costs can be reduced, as well as logistics expenditure, which also contributes to responsible manufacturing, for example in reducing a product’s carbon footprint.

Depending on company size and customer requirements, EOS has identified different scenarios for a distributed production on a global, local and system level.

Enabling global AM-based digital production

EOS AM solutions can be used to set up a globally connected production in-house or by taking advantage of a network of established AM contract manufacturers. Leveraging this flexible production approach, companies benefit from sustainable production that can address a scan-to-product or demand-oriented production, variant diversity and functional integration. Additionally, production can be balanced among sites and become more independent of single sources.

Alexander Eitel, Head of Marketing and Business Development at Dunlee, commented, “We use the EOS technology to 3D print Tungsten. This is challenging, particularly when printing a high volume of complex parts with precise specifications. The customised EOS systems we use are designed for just this and they will allow us to ramp up production to meet the needs of CT manufacturers who are introducing new products.”

Controlling machine park and production status in local facilities

EOSCONNECT MachinePark Apps are said to help production supervisors to control their entire local machine park status, explains the company. Thanks to seamless integration into MES and ERP systems, it allows for one-stop access to sensor, monitoring and quality management data – anytime, anywhere. This enables insights on machine utilisation to optimise job planning and streamline production.

The company states that for the efficient and reliable manufacturing of high-quality parts on an industrial scale, AM production supervisors rely on proven EOS systems processing metals or polymers. At the same time, tailored service offerings – from full-range service contracts to co- and virtual maintenance maximise system uptime and sustainable success.

Hannes Hämmerle, CEO of 1zu1, reported, “We use the EOS P 500 system for prototype production and series applications where an extremely high repeatability and system availability is crucial for 1zu1. Parts 3D-printed on this system offer an excellent homogeneous part quality, as well as a dimensional accuracy very close to that of injection molded parts.”

Hämmerle added, “Further advantages of the EOS P 500 are increased material savings and less time in post-processing compared to the additive manufacturing technology we have been using in the past. The very high system availability allows us to produce overnight and thus meet very short delivery dates.”


Companies & MarketsNews
November 10, 2020

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