Conference programme now available for 3rd Additive Manufacturing Forum Berlin
December 14, 2018
The full conference programme is now available for third Additive Manufacturing Forum, organised by IPM AG, Germany’s Institute for Production Management, taking place in Berlin, Germany, from March 14-15, 2019. The 2018 event was attended by more than 600 participants and over fifty exhibitors, and the 2019 event will again feature a user-oriented cross-industry programme of presentations, supported by the foundation partners Airbus Group, Deutsche Bahn AG, Stratasys GmbH and 3yourmind GmbH and Mobility goes Additive e.V.
The four main topics of the conference are new materials, development and design, series production and the additive factory, and AM business models. As well as a range of presentations, a number of masterclasses will also run during the forum on these topics.
The opening keynote will be presented by Gero Corman, Head of 3D Printing / Additive Manufacturing at Volkswagen Group Production, on the topic ‘State of the Industry – Today’s Technologies and Applications of 3D Printing’. A second keynote will be presented on March 15 by Stefanie Brickwede, Head of AM at Deutsche Bahn AG and Managing Director of Mobility goes Additive e.V, presenting an outlook on ‘Additive Manufacturing – Quo Vadis?’
In the accompanying exhibition, a number of AM technology, software, material and service providers will showcase their latest offerings. The forum and exhibition are aimed at both beginners and advanced AM technology users from the aerospace, automotive, railway, mechanical engineering, medical technology and science industries.
Information on registration conditions, the full programme and a list of attending companies are available via the Forum website.