AM Solutions to host event series on AM’s real-world uses
May 18, 2021
AM Solutions – 3D post processing technology, a brand of Rösler Group, aims to shine a light on the possibilities of AM in a free live event series ‘Inside AM’. The English-language series, beginning in June, consists of six events, one per month, and is intended for both current AM users and those interested in the technology.
Representatives from well-known companies throughout the industrial sector will provide valuable behind the scenes insights and will report on the actual status of Additive Manufacturing in their respective industrial sector and company. The interactive format of this event allows viewers from all over the world to participate in the conversation and pose their questions live to the respective participants. The event is broadcast live from the new Customer Experience Center of AM Solutions.
Manuel Laux, Head of AM Solutions – 3D post processing technology, commented, “Anybody, who deals with the subject Additive Manufacturing is probably overwhelmed by reports about the numerous innovative applications of this technology. With our interesting interactive event, we, jointly with our guests, want to shine a light on the question ‘Additive Manufacturing changes the world – is this just a vision or already real?’ and provide information on the actual situation.”
The first event will feature Christoph Hansen, Director of Technology & Innovation at Sauber Engineering AG, part of the Sauber Group. The origins of the company stem from the demand to make racing cars faster, lighter and more reliable. Sauber tackled these challenging problems with Additive Manufacturing and, today, could be called a pioneer in the field, best represented through work on the Sauber-operated Formula One team, Alfa Romeo Racing ORLEN.
“When AM Solutions presented this new discussion concept to me, I immediately liked the idea to look at Additive Manufacturing from different angles and from the view of different industries,” stated Hansen. “I look forward to report to the viewers how we started exploring the possibilities of AM, and how we expanded the use of this manufacturing technology beyond just the Formula One racing cars.”
The first livestream will be broadcast on Wednesday, June 9, 2021, at 3.00 PM (CET). Subsequent dates and times are yet to be disclosed.
Those interested can register through the event’s website.