AddUp announces the MASSIF large-scale Additive Manufacturing project

October 25, 2024

AddUp’s MASSIF project aims to drive large-format Additive Manufacturing (Courtesy AddUp)
AddUp’s MASSIF project aims to drive large-format Additive Manufacturing (Courtesy AddUp)

AddUp, headquartered in Cébazat, France, has announced the MASSIF (Metal Additive System, Sustainable, Industrial, Eco-Friendly) project, which aims to drive industrial and technological developments in large-format metal Laser Beam Powder Bed Fusion (PBF-LB), ultimately up to 1.5 x 1.5 x 2 m.

The MASSIF project aims to boost productivity, reduce costs, and meet evolving sustainability goals, offering new capabilities for industrial applications. The first PBF machine developed around these concepts features a build volume of 750 x 750 mm x 1 m. The new machine is to be built on the foundation of AddUp’s FormUp 350, currently used by global customers to deliver critical components such as medical implants, satellite and aerospace parts.

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AddUp states that this new machine will upscale the benefits inherent to Additive Manufacturing, such as design flexibility, faster production times and higher levels of sustainability. In particular, the company notes the following attributes of its MASSIF machine:

  • Increased productivity of up to 300%, reducing part costs by 50-70%
  • 12x larger build area than current AddUp machines
  • Less than 10% powder waste
  • AddUp’s proprietary technology and in-process monitoring
  • Use of green energy

“It was the association of the best experts, each in their field, that allowed us to launch the MASSIF project. This technological leadership in large-scale metal 3D printing will enable us to meet the challenges of energy transition and productivity for aeronautics, defence and space players, always in a co-design approach by AddUp with its clients,” explained AddUp CEO, Julien Marcilly. Under the leadership of AddUp, a consortium will bring together the unique expertise of each partner:

  • AddUp, the consortium leader, is designing the machine and building a prototype that integrates the technological building blocks of the process and production quality monitoring solutions
  • Cailabs will develop laser beam shaping solutions to increase build speed and, thus, machine productivity
  • ISP Systems will develop a dynamic beam shaping solution to improve laser beam focusing quality
  • Dassault Systèmes, which — with the 3DEXPERIENCE platform — will enable data to be used to create virtual models that simulate products, processes and factory operations, and develop a data enhancement solution aimed at the efficient manufacture of certified critical parts
  • Vistory will develop a solution that enables the confidentiality and integrity of manufacturing data, protecting the creator’s industrial property and ensuring the traceability of operations
  • CETIM is contributing to the technological development of the prototype by carrying out tests on its own facilities and then integrating the final machine in its new Printing Bourges centre, thus validating the manufacturing parameters for different materials and produce the first demonstration parts for various target markets

The MASSIF project is already underway with prototyping and initial production. The first machine is anticipated to be installed at CETIM, where it will undergo further validation.

The machine has already been selected as the winner of the France2030 ‘Robots and Intelligent Machines of Excellence’ programme. By 2030, the programme anticipates a highly automated and intelligent industrial ecosystem that contributes to economic growth and sustainability.

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