Metal Additive Manufacturing, Vol. 2 No. 3 Autumn/Fall 2016
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In addition to over 45 pages of the latest industry news, this 96 page issue of Metal Additive Manufacturing magazine includes the following exclusive features:
FIT AG: Laying the foundations for high-volume metal Additive Manufacturing
There is no doubt that the Additive Manufacturing of series components is quickly becoming a reality. From high-profile applications in the aerospace industry to performance components for the automotive sector, there are now numerous examples of the successful implementation of metal AM. However, the route that a company chooses in order to adopt AM technology could have a significant impact on a component’s development time and cost.
As Nick Williams reports, Germany’s FIT AG sees opportunities in leveraging its expertise to supporting companies with the outsourcing of component development and production. To achieve this, the company has created a model AM factory that it plans to replicate worldwide.
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The evolution of AM at GE: On the acquisition trail as the focus turns to technology supply
With the announcement of GE’s planned acquisitions of metal AM machine producers Arcam and SLM Solutions, the company is making a bold move to not only enhance its already significant AM expertise but also to position itself as a leading supplier of AM technology to the wider industry. This ties in closely with GE’s ambitions to evolve into the world’s leading ‘digital industrial company.’ Metal AM magazine’s Nick Williams reports on the recent developments at GE and the milestones that led to this point.
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Selecting atomised aluminium alloy powders for the metal Additive Manufacturing process
As the metal Additive Manufacturing industry continues to grow at a rapid pace, aluminium and aluminium alloy powders are gaining ever more attention. Component and equipment manufacturers are deploying immense efforts in exploring advanced aluminium alloys in order to target more complex applications that demand higher mechanical performance. As they move forward, the selection and optimisation of powders is becoming increasingly important.
In this article, Jessu Joys and colleagues from United States Metal Powders, Inc. (USMP), identify the most popular aluminium alloy grades for AM technology and discuss the unique properties of each powder.
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AMPM2016: Developments in binder jetting technology highlighted at Boston conference
For the third consecutive year, the Metal Powder Industries Federation’s Additive Manufacturing with Powder Metallurgy (AMPM) conference was held in parallel with its long established POWDERMET conference. This year’s event took place in Boston, Massachusetts, USA, from June 5-8, 2016. In the first of our reports Dr David Whittaker reviews three presentations that focused on the binder jetting process.
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AMPM2016: New material developments in metal Additive Manufacturing technology
In the second of our reports from the Metal Powder Industries Federation’s Additive Manufacturing with Powder Metallurgy (AMPM) conference, Dr David Whittaker reports on three presentations that highlighted developments in the processing of novel AM materials. These include tungsten for nuclear fusion applications and copper alloys for applications which require high electrical conductivity.
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