Military Additive Manufacturing Summit & Technology Showcase

November 28, 2018

February 6, 2019

February 6, 2019 to February 7, 2019

USF Health, CAMLS, Tampa, United States

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Military Additive Manufacturing Summit & Technology Showcase


DSI’s 3rd Military Additive Manufacturing Summit & Technology Showcase will host thought leaders and key policy-makers across military services, defence agencies, & civilian organisations for actionable discussions and & debate. This year’s summit will focus on the latest revolutionary technologies and innovations being developed to further various Additive Manufacturing processes, as well as the technology’s current levels of capability, in order to deliver greater flexibility to the warfighter on the battlefield.

According to recent reports, the aerospace and defense 3D printing market is expected to surpass $4 billion by 2023 and is projected to increase 23.2% annually over the next five years. Manufacturers across a broad spectrum of industries including automotive, aerospace, high-tech and medical products are all piloting and using 3D printing technologies today. The US Military is taking advantage of these 3D printed components, integrating them into the various US military services for reduced maintenance and production costs. Additive Manufacturing has proven that it can allow the warfighter to print spares and other vital materials at the point of need, instead of having to operate under restricted time schedules.

This 2019 Military Additive Manufacturing Summit will detail how, through the use of 3D printing solutions, the military is able to enhance its sustainment capabilities, minimising the costs associated with the purchase, transport and storage of additional resources. Additive Manufacturing has enabled the warfighter increased operational flexibility in deployed environments. Panels at this event will explain how the military logistics supply chain has become more efficient through the implementation of expeditionary printing methods and various cutting-edge AM innovations, producing a more self-sufficient and agile force in austere and contested environments.

The summit also will touch on metal AM and how this 3D printing method can revolutionise the production of large steel structures by replicating them in a short period of time. The process occurs when taking a base material, usually in the form of a metal powder, and using heat generated by lasers to build a form. The US Navy has also taken the first steps to explore different forms of 3D technology on a large scale by producing small submarines from these new, elaborate manufacturing processes.

Ultimately, this forum will offer Additive Manufacturing solutions providers, members from government and leaders in academia the opportunity to hear from some of the US Military’s most senior and qualified subject matter experts on the future role of AM in advancing warfighter readiness and over operational effectiveness.

November 28, 2018

In the latest issue of Metal AM magazine

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Extensive AM industry news coverage, as well as the following exclusive deep-dive articles:

  • Aluminium Additive Manufacturing: How a new generation of alloys will fuel industry growth
  • Shaping a national Additive Manufacturing ecosystem: The strategic growth of metal AM in Türkiye
  • How metal Additive Manufacturing is transforming modern hydraulic systems
  • High-performance product development in the era of computational design: a case study with nTop and NASA
  • The Additive Manufacturing of record-breaking pure copper heatsinks for high-performance computing applications
  • The Additive Manufacturing of tool steels: how non-linear modelling enables precise hardness control

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