International Conference on Sintering 2017

March 13, 2017

November 12, 2017

November 12, 2017 to November 16, 2017

Hyatt Regency Mission Bay Spa and Marina, San Diego, United States

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International Conference on Sintering 2017

Meeting Desciption

Sintering 2017 is an international conference and world-wide forum on sintering science and technology. The conference will address the latest developments in the sintering and microstructural evolution processes for the fabrication of powder-based materials in terms of fundamental understanding, technological issues, and industrial applications. Besides its traditional importance for the production of structural powder components, sintering technology is emerging as a leading and irreplaceable tool for a variety of modern applications. This conference will focus on the increasing ability to design complex and multi­functional materials with specific microstructures and properties.

This conference continues the famous cycle of conferences on Sintering and Related Phenomena organized in US in the middle of 20th century, and is eighth in a series that began in 1995. The previous seven conferences have been held in Pennsylvania State University, USA (1995, 1999, 2003); Grenoble, France (2005); La Jolla, USA (2008); Jeju, Korea (2011); and Dresden, Germany (2014).


Who Should Attend

Sintering 2017 invites researchers, industrial partners and students to meet and establish collaborations, common understanding and professional relationships.


Technical Program

The technical program covers sintering of all classes—from powder materials through invited and contributed talks—and includes poster presentations and special programs designed to facilitate discussion among participants.  Program topics include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Fundamental aspects of sintering
  • Modeling and simulation of sintering at multiple scales
  • Sintering of multi-material and multi-layer systems
  • Microstructural evolution in sintering processes
  • Novel sintering processes (field-assisted, laser, etc.)
  • Sintering phenomena in additive manufacturing
  • Stress-assisted sintering (e.g. hot- pressing, hot isostatic pressing, sinter- forging)
  • Sintering of nano-structured materials
  • Sintering of electronic materials
  • Sintering in emerging energy and bio applications
  • Chemical interactions during sintering
  • In situ measurements and analysis of sintering
  • Symposium in honor of professor Randall M. German’s 50 years of contributions to the science of sintering
  • Other sintering-related topics


The papers presented at Sintering 2017, will be invited to submit a manuscript for peer reviewed conference proceedings.  Additionally, a number of contributors will be invited to submit a manuscript for a peer reviewed special section of the Journal of the American Ceramic Society, based on the presentations at Sintering 2017.

Sintering 2017 continues the tradition of being an outstanding opportunity to meet, exchange ideas and knowledge, and enjoy interacting with like-minded sintering experts.

March 13, 2017

In the latest issue of Metal AM magazine

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  • Shaping a national Additive Manufacturing ecosystem: The strategic growth of metal AM in Türkiye
  • How metal Additive Manufacturing is transforming modern hydraulic systems
  • High-performance product development in the era of computational design: a case study with nTop and NASA
  • The Additive Manufacturing of record-breaking pure copper heatsinks for high-performance computing applications
  • The Additive Manufacturing of tool steels: how non-linear modelling enables precise hardness control

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